
Will there be a sea where Philemon’s temple stands? Will his shady island sink into the deepest ground? Into the whirlpool of the withdrawing flood that earlier swallowed all peoples and lands? Will the bottom of the sea be where Ararat arises?

I won my soul, and to what did she give birth for me? You, monster, a son, ha!-a frightful miscreant, a stammerer, a newt’s brain, a primordial lizard! You want to be king of the earth? You want to banish proud free men, bewitch beautiful women, break up castles, rip open the belly of old cathedrals? Dumb thing, a lazy bug-eyed frog that wears pond weed on his skull’s pate! And you want to call yourself my son? You’re no son of mine, but the spawn of the devil. The father of the devil entered into the womb of my soul and in you has become flesh.

Yes, you are laughably sensitive, self-righteous, unruly, mistrustful, pessimistic, cowardly; dishonest with yourself, venomous, vengeful; one can hardly speak about your childish pride, your craving for power, your desire for esteem, your laughable ambition, your thirst for fame without feeling sick. The playacting and pomposity become you badly and you abuse them to the best of your ability.

You, you of all people wanted to tell other people what to do?

For this I will pull out your tongue-with which you have ridiculed, blasphemed and-even worse-joked.

Do not speak to me about your love. What you call love oozes with self-interest and desirousness. But you speak about it with great words, and the greater your words are, the more pathetic your so-called love is. Never speak to me of your love, but keep your mouth shut. It lies.
~from “The Red Book Liber Novus” by C.G. Jung, angel in human form, fallen angel

Without fail, Dr. Jung, humanity will learn the truth concerning the fallen angels who walked amongst us in the past, ruling over, subjugating and suppressing our human family, and to this day, continuing to do so.

Imagine the liberating atmosphere of clarity and veracity when it’s revealed that you wore many hats in your roles on Earth; that many famous and powerful individuals were, in fact, just one fallen angel who had split himself in order to occupy numerous bodies and that among all the fallen angels on Earth, this was common practice; that from forty fallen angels could be produced hundreds of copies to be injected into the human population in opportune bloodlines; bloodlines of the elite, of the “Illuminati,” lineages where money and power come easily and that because of this scheme of birth placement into families of power, it was not difficult to create and maintain, with help from dark ET races, a “new world order” plan over thousands of years, bleeding human souls of energy and cloaking an entire world civilization underneath a false, fabricated veil.

If it were to be made known now, before the great awakening, that you, Dr. Jung, desired to rule over humanity as “Lord of Civilization” and that Plato, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, Christian Rosencreutz, John Calvin, Isaac Casaubon, Cerinthus, the Count of St.-Germain, Henri de St. Simon, Adrien Duport, Dr. Robert Fludd, Fred Hockley, Harry Hopkins, James Hunter, Iñigo López, Micah, Christian Racovski, Tsar Nicholas Romanov II and Clement Vallandigham were all versions of the same angel in human form – you – how would it be received? Would anyone believe it? Or the revelation that these incarnations were just a few of the many lives you lived – could humanity fathom it?

That the angels in human form are childish, ignorant, immoral and self-absorbed souls is well-known among the learned in the human family but, without doubt, the most accurate description of the fallen angels comes not from human observers but from your very own higher self, as described above when you were C.G. Jung.

And, so, remember this: for whatever lies ahead for you in the Hall of Judgement, plentiful warning was given to you… from yourself.

The angel in human form who was C.G. Jung was also incarnated as these individuals and many, many others over the centuries since the time of the great flood:  King Clovis I, Nebuchadnezzar II, Johannes Valentinus Andreae, Kitabatake Chikafusa, Johann Friedrich Cotta, Giusseppe Mazzini, Frederic Aguste Bartholdi, Jacques de Molay, G.I. Gurdjieff, “Colonel” Edward M. House, Theodore Marburg, Thomas Randolph, Józef Hieronim Retinger and Edward Bernays.

Learn about these “men” (who were actually the same angel in human form) and it becomes easily understood how a “new world order” plan could slowly but successfully be implemented over thousands of years, in generation after generation and without loss of interest or motivation, through strategic births into powerful, wealthy and influential families using the divinely imposed process of reincarnation.

The angels in human form created a vast, interconnected, intercommunication web between and amongst themselves which exists today and stretches uninterruptedly back in time to the days of Noah. For thousands of years they have been connected continuously with each other.

It’s interesting to note that all of your human lives listed are from the past, Dr. Jung. Imagine a list of human lives of you and the other fallen angels in the present…