
Population pacification requires highly advanced knowledge of the nature of human consciousness at a sol, holotropic, genetic, neurological and characterological level. Each level in this hierarchical scheme, relating to human consciousness, requires the application of specific mind control methods that make use of traditional brain washing (isolation/terrorization/forced dependency/ indoctrination/sexual-social sublimation) supplemented with drug and electromagnetically induced mind pacification – some common mind control drugs being heroin, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, aspartame, tranquilizer/antidepressant cocktails and food additives. White table salt (originally concocted for explosives manufacture) and lowered food nutritional levels will help contribute to the bodily chemical balance required for social stupefaction and pacification, as will fluoride. Microwave technology (obsolete) will interfere with neurological function in the 800 to 2000 megahertz range. If executed in small steps over a period of decades the social slide into a totalitarian federal police-state will not be noticed by the majority of the population. Those who do notice can be discredited now and purged later.

Utopia (the archetype of the collection of all of our natural vital impulses expressing themselves freely on a social scale) cannot be measured out and distributed from a detached and centralized authoritarian bureaucracy as substitute “Utopia,” without denying individual experience of real utopia as ecstasy. Police power cannot “form” a utopia. When you mechanically “de-fine” it and “enforce” it for everyone from an “external to individual experience” perspective, you kill it. A healthy citizen in a free republic need only be oneself and respect others’ rights to do the same. A “good” citizen in a totalitarian “utopia” becomes a killing machine with a substitute personality as a coat of armor and source of rationalization for murder.

The birth-rights of psychometry, bilocation, translocation, remote viewing, etheric and astral projection, physical alchemy, Unified Field driven technology, psychic archeology, fire walking, limb regeneration, life extension, intelligence increase, ecstatic experience, spontaneous healing, past life regression, future life progression and self-guided evolution can become common tools for enhancing human evolution on Earth as they are removed from exclusive centralized authoritarian control and allowed to develop naturally and freely in the public sphere in decentralized fashion, thus guaranteeing that this knowledge cannot be used to abuse and distort collective human evolution and bring about the death and destruction of our Earth mother.

~from “Subversive Intelligence Agency” (link-large file)