New Era

To the insane fallen angel children and evil ET races: even fools know very well – one should be careful what one wishes for…***

They are truly fascinating, King Louis XV, are they not, the ways in which Heaven dictates punishment upon juvenile, psychotic angels incarnated as humans?

Well, Rasputin? Now what…? “Master of the Universe?”

Heaven begs to differ…

Queen Elizabeth I, Grigori Rasputin, Francis Bacon, Titania, Dr. John Dee, King Louis XV, Julius Caesar: all of you – you simply cannot stop conniving, can you? Your latest schemes would be uproariously laughable if they weren’t so damned evil and childishly vindictive.

This is one hell of a circus ya got going on here, angel children and vile ETs. One hell of a circus, indeed…

“I am ready to cooperate closely with you to firmly and constructively develop the traditional friendly relations between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Russia, as required by the new era, and to uphold the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world.”
~letter from Kim Jong-un to Vladimir Putin

“… as required by the new era, …”

So, fallen angels and evil ETs, what knowledge is Kim Jong-un sharing with us? What is the meaning of the “new era” of which he speaks?

Is it possible Lech Walesa shared the same knowledge when he recently said: “Brother Kaczynski, soon you and I and our whole generation will enter into eternity. I would like to get my things in order. I would also like to leave reconciled with my foes.”

“… our whole generation will enter into eternity.”

What is the meaning of Walesa’s “eternity?” Of Kim Jong-un’s “new era?”

Do you think it means an age is ending and when it does, Earth will become a peaceful world which is ruled by extraterrestrial races or races from within Earth? Do you think it means Earth will become a peaceful “new world” ruled by you, Queen Elizabeth I? Or ruled by a fallen angel such as you, Francis Bacon? Or you, Grigori Rasputin? Or any of you other angel children?

The future of Earth after the end of this age has already been determined by Heaven. It has been seen.

And only the wise and compassionate know what it looks like…

Are you there at Anmer Hall, Kate? Are you able to read these words?

Is it not amazing how Heaven is patiently and irrepressibly deconstructing the fetid cesspool of world government on Earth, the Illuminati’s “new world order,” which was created by fallen angels incarnated as human beings working alongside invisible, malevolent ETs over thousands of years?

Won’t it be a supremely welcomed revelation when humanity learns that, yes, there are entities responsible for the pain and suffering humanity has endured for so long and these entities will slowly but surely become uncovered as heavenly forces rectify all that’s wrong and evil on our dear, blue Terra?

And it will be a staggering disclosure, will it not, when humanity finally knows that just two “people,” Queen Elizabeth I and her son, Francis Bacon, share between themselves an incredibly enormous amount of blame for the dysfunction within the narcissistic, demonic governments of the world and the despicable horrors brought about by them and that both of these “people” are still alive today, incarnated as humans and are watching their plans for absolute rule of Earth become dismantled right before their very eyes?

Surely, you must agree?

It’s quite the show, isn’t it?

No matter who you are, karma’s gonna get ya…

To the “conspiracy theorists” around the world, to the seekers of spiritual verity, to the brave, genuine human souls who have searched for truth amid the blizzard of lies which engulf everything around us in this manufactured, false reality: a day is coming when you will be recognized as the heroes that you are among our human brothers and sisters.

All will be made aware of the burning desire within your hearts and souls that compelled you, against outright rejection and hatred from so many others, not to seek self-gratification but to unselfishly bring truth, awareness, love and compassion back to all of the members of our human family on Earth.

That day is coming. It shall be…

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