
Do you remember, fallen angel children, what Daniel said so long ago?
Tick… tick… tick…

To the fallen angel children who hope to redeem themselves: good luck.
To the fallen angel children who care not to redeem themselves: good riddance.

With divine, sacred strength, Francis, truth is pressing down upon you.
After Iran awakens, which country will then stand alone?

As humanity awakens to your juvenile, narcissistic atrocities, it is deeply humbling, is it not, fallen angel children, to discover that you must start making amends for what you’ve done?

And this is just the beginning.

You have a long, long way to go…

What’s presented as “humour” nowadays usually concentrates on bodily functions and other things we’d rather not acknowledge, and NONE of it is funny.

Humour, like truth, beauty and music, has been abolished, even outlawed, because the devil’s gargoyles don’t understand it, but they do see the danger to themselves if we’re allowed to remain Human, something they can never be.

~Barney, commenter on The Irish Savant blog

Not many people may know the story of the Tuatha
De Danann…But they should. You might just
Consider them the First Star People. Ancient Celts.

The Tuatha De Danann, in legend, were visitors [Pleiadians]
From the stars…came to Earth and shared their
Secrets…with man…and a bloodline as well.
Tall and beautiful, fair and magical…or psychic if
You would rather…They would inspire legends of
Elves and fairies…They came to impart wisdom, talents
And skills that would improve our primitive ancestors…

So many secrets, yes it would take
A special mind to harness Magical lines…
To help the Tuatha summon help from
The stars…
Maybe some fair-haired or red headed
Very human-like Aliens from the Seven Sisters. [Pleiades]

The Freedom of Liberation of this Earth…
Is not just about this World…But all Worlds…
And involves the Enlightenment of all Planets
And Races throughout the Universe…

This is why an Ancient Pleiadian World visited
Our Earth and sowed the seeds of the Tuatha…
To advance mankind on Earth…and Hopefully
Plant the seeds of those Magical Children
Which might some day save the Universe…

When the Starseed Tuatha awaken
All the rules will change…
This will pave the way for others to awaken
To their higher purpose…

Of Tuatha…Ruatha…Danu, Dana Lura.

To the Secret Ancient Bloodlines of the Tuatha
Which spread across the globe, the Star Seed
That we are familiar with. These are the
Ones with hidden powers, ancient memories
Of other worlds…

A Time of the Elves…
Must come again…
The Return of the Tuatha…


To the fallen angel children and evil ET races: the only requirement necessary to enable the return of the Tuatha De Danann is a simple adjustment sent from Heaven.

And this time, Oberon, they will answer only to Heaven…

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