
Veluti In Speculum!

To the relevant individuals meeting this weekend in Osaka: remember the words your brother, the Count of St.-Germain, declared to Philocatus – “The precipice, my son, which I fear for you, is Indiscretion, the imperious craving to inspire astonishment and admiration. God leaves to men the task of punishing the imprudent minister who permits the eye of the profane to look into the mysterious sanctuary.”

It would be wise to no longer crave a desire to astonish or to be admired, angels in human form, but to crave redemption in the eyes of Heaven, to crave to make amends for your horrific, juvenile behavior during the millennia since the great flood.

As you discuss worldly matters, allow yourselves to remember the divine law your brother revealed in his text: men, not God, will punish the “imprudent ministers.”

All that you’ve done has been seen by Heaven…

And, it would be foolish to believe that an unlimited amount of time to make amends has been granted to you by Heaven. Remember the words of the true prophets from the past.

You do not determine when the end times arrive.

Heaven does.

The clock is ticking…

Remember, angels in human form, where you were during the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolutions, World War I and World War II.

In these and so many other heinous events planned and perpetrated by you, it would be wise to remember the vast human suffering you’ve brought to this world. It would be wise for you to remember because it is an absolute certainty that Heaven remembers.

All that you’ve done will be revealed and known…

Good grief, Henry…
Once again, anybody else paying attention?
Only you determine your fate.

Stonehenge…Pyramids…Runic Symbols, Celtic
Knots and Mendhi Lines…
Even Crop Circles may in fact be involved…
The Tuatha did possess a knack for natural magic…
Crop Circles and communicating with the Earth
Would be so easy for them…

Ah, those Crop Circles again…
I did mention a long time ago how we should cross
That topic again…
The Wisdom of the Tuatha…
Combined with that of the knowledge of Lost Worlds
In a time before this age, before a flood
And Biblical Cataclysm…
If the Earth could communicate, and found
Someone who could understand and listen…
It might just talk with Crop Circles…
It’s funny how they resemble patterns…
DNA…or perhaps ways to fix damaged DNA…
Chemistry formulas…Elements…
Or perhaps cures to fix the World…
With crystals, sound and light…
Not that I would know much, I mean
Surely it would take a special mind to do that,
An ancient mind, similar to that of the Tuatha…
Like an Ancient Master.

But then…the Tuatha could understand,
As would their descendants…maybe that was
Their intention all along.
To leave traces of knowledge behind
At key points…to be uncovered at a specific time…
To be put together…possibly on Ley lines.
Those lines again…
To fix…and Change the World.


Busy year for crop circles, angels and ETs. Real or fake?

Perhaps Earth knows more about her future than you do…