
“We’re all in this together.”
If you wish to seek redemption, if you wish to leave childhood behind, yes. Yes, we are…

“And the intelligent will understand.”
It is simply astonishing, Francis, and is a truly mind-boggling effort, the relentless, tireless and focused exertion you’ve dedicated, in life after life, to producing thousands of fictitious texts used to deceive humans so that you could one day rule over them.

The insanity you’ve embraced within yourself is not at all diluted; it’s as pure as an atomic element.

“In the hall (which is of the auncient building) is a large storie very well painted of the feastes of the gods, where Mars is caught in a nett by Vulcan. On the wall, over the chimney, is painted an oake with akornes falling from it; the word, Nisi quid potius. And on the wall, over the table, is painted Ceres teaching the soweing of corne; the word, Moniti meliora.”
~John Aubrey describing Old Gorhambury House, home of Francis Bacon, fallen angel, angel in human form (aka William Shakespeare)

Gods, goddesses, fallen angels.

On a fallacious world shrouded in darkness…

“Turkey shares China’s vision when it comes to serving world peace, preserving global security and stability, promoting multilateralism, and upholding the principle of free trade. The world seeks a new, multipolar balance today.”

The need for a new international order, which will serve the interests of all humanity, is crystal clear. Turkey and China, the world’s most ancient civilizations, have a responsibility to contribute to building this new system.”
~Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Heaven’s divine plan which will allow humanity to leave behind the foolish, childish ways of fallen angels and evil extraterrestrial races is becoming clear.

Fallen angels, Freemasons, secret societies, falsified history, hidden knowledge, hidden technology, mind control, the “new world order,” World War III, a “philosopher king,” evil ET races, Neuschwabenland, breakaway civilizations…

All will be revealed and only that which is good will be freed.